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Guides Getting Started Using Hyperspace

Getting Started With Hyperspace

Hyperspace is a server that bundles together many of our core modules, handling many low-level details for you. It's intended to be a configuration-less, opinionated take on the Hypercore Protocol stack, with a handful of extra features to make things easy to use.


There are three ways to get started with Hyperspace:

  1. Hyp CLI: The hyp CLI tool will internally spawn and communicate with a Hyperspace instance.
  2. Standalone: npm i hyperspace -g gives you a hyperspace command that can be used to start a server.
  3. Programmatically: The hyperspace module exports a Server class.

If you've installed the hyp cli you can just run:

hyp daemon start

It will manage the daemon for you, and provides a couple helpful commands (daemon status, daemon stop). If you've installed the hyperspace module globally, you can run it directly:


This will run for as long you keep the process active.

Programmatically Running Hyperspace

While we recommend using the Hyp CLI in most cases, you can create the daemon programmatically.

const { Server: HyperspaceServer } = require('hyperspace')
const server = new HyperspaceServer()
await server.ready()

This will spawn the daemon in the current process.

If you need to create separate Hyperspace instances than the default, you can set the storage and host params.

const server = new HyperspaceServer({
storage: './my-hyperspace-storage',
host: 'my-hyperspace'

Data will be stored wherever storage specifies. The host param determines how to identify the daemon server when connecting.

Hyperspace "Host" Parameter

By default, Hyperspace serves its RPC interface over a UNIX domain socket on Linux/OSX and a named pipe on Windows. You can configure the name of the domain socket with the host option, or with the HYPERSPACE_SOCKET environment variable.

Connecting to the Daemon

However you've chosen to run Hyperspace, you can connect to it using the hyp CLI. Run this command to make sure the daemon is in good state:

hyp daemon status

If you're running Hyperspace under a custom host parameter, specify it in the HYPERSPACE_SOCKET env var:

HYPERSPACE_SOCKET=my-hyperspace hyp daemon status

Programmatically Connecting to the Daemon

Your apps can connect to the daemon using the client API.

const { Client: HyperspaceClient } = require('hyperspace')
const client = new HyperspaceClient()

If you have a custom host parameter, pass it as an option:

const client = new HyperspaceClient({
host: 'my-hyperspace'

Building Applications

Now that you have a client API connection, you can begin building with its APIs.

const { Client: HyperspaceClient } = require('hyperspace')
const client = new HyperspaceClient()
const store = client.corestore()

// create a new hypercore
const core1 = store.get({ valueEncoding: 'utf-8' })
await core1.append(['hello', 'world']) // append 2 blocks

// seed the hypercore
await client.replicate(core1)

The Hyperspace client API includes 3 main interfaces:

You can use hyperdrive and hyperbee on top of these APIs.

const hyperdrive = require('hyperdrive')

// load and read the hyperdrive identified by `driveKey`
const drive = hyperdrive(client.corestore(), driveKey)
await drive.promises.ready()
await client.replicate(drive.metadata) // fetch from the network
console.log(await drive.promises.readdir('/'))
const hyperbee = require('hyperbee')

// load and read the hyperbee identified by `beeKey`
const bee = hyperbee(client.corestore().get(beeKey), {
keyEncoding: 'binary',
valueEncoding: 'json'
await client.replicate(bee.feed) // fetch from the network
await bee.ready()
console.log(await bee.get('some-key'))


Let's do a quick walkthrough to illustrate using Hyperspace a little more. If you want to follow along with the code, setup the walkthrough repo:

git clone https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/walkthroughs.git
cd walkthroughs/hyperspace
npm install

This walkthrough has a single dependency, hyperspace (not including chalk, for making CLI output pretty), which exports both the client and the server.

Step 1: Starting Two Hyperspace Servers

Let's create two Hyperspace servers, one simulating our local instance, and one simulating a remote peer:

// Create one server to simulate your local Hyperspace instance.
const localServer = new HyperspaceServer({
storage: './storage/hyperspace-storage-1',
host: 'hyperspace-demo-1'
// Create a second server to simulate a remote peer.
const remoteServer = new HyperspaceServer({
storage: './storage/hyperspace-storage-2',
host: 'hyperspace-demo-2'
await localServer.ready()
await remoteServer.ready()

A Hyperspace server emits a handful of events. These are useful for debugging, so let log a few of these to see when clients to the daemon connect and disconnect:

localServer.on('client-open', () => {
// Our program has connected to the daemon
console.log(chalk.green('(local) A HyperspaceClient has connected'))
localServer.on('client-close', () => {
// Our program has disconnected from the daemon
console.log(chalk.green('(local) A HyperspaceClient has disconnected'))

Run this step (full code):

node 1-start-servers.js

Now that both daemons are running, let's simulate a Hypercore replication in Step 2.

Step 2: Replicate RemoteHypercores

We'll create two Hyperspace clients, one for each server we started in Step 1:

// Create a client that's connected to the "local" peer.
const localClient = new HyperspaceClient({
host: 'hyperspace-demo-1'

// Create a client that's connected to the "remote" peer.
const remoteClient = new HyperspaceClient({
host: 'hyperspace-demo-2'

Now on the "local" peer, let's create a new RemoteHypercore and append a few blocks. Since RemoteHypercore mirrors the Hypercore API, they can be used interchangably.

// Create a new RemoteCorestore.
const localStore = localClient.corestore()

// Create a fresh Remotehypercore.
const localCore = localStore.get({
valueEncoding: 'utf-8'

// Append two blocks to the RemoteHypercore.
await localCore.append(['hello', 'world'])

To create a RemoteHypercore, we first need to create a RemoteCorestore instance. A Corestore can be viewed as a Hypercore factory — it provides a get method for creating or instantiating Hypercores.

Now we want to make this new Hypercore available to the Hyperswarm network. We'll use the replicate function:

// Start seeding the Hypercore on the Hyperswarm network.

We'll also log whenever the Hypercore connects to new peers:

// Log when the core has any new peers.
localCore.on('peer-add', () => {
console.log(chalk.blue('(local) Replicating with a new peer.'))

Hyperspace Networking

Hyperswarm provides two configuration options for interacting with its DHT, announce and lookup.

When you announce a discovery key, you advertise to the DHT that you're in possession of the corresponding Hypercore. A lookup, on the other hand, will not insert new entries into the DHT; it will only query the DHT to discover other peers announcing that discovery key.

The Hyperspace client's replicate function is effectively sugaring around

client.network.configure(core.discoveryKey, { announce: true, lookup: true })

Our RemoteHypercore now contains two blocks and is being announced on the Hyperswarm DHT. It's time to create a RemoteHypercore on the second Hyperspace instance, which is simulating a remote peer.

To do this, we'll duplicate the exact same steps as above, with one difference: we'll instantiate the second RemoteHypercore with the first core's key:

// Create a fresh Remotehypercore.
// Here we'll get a core using the shared key from above.
const clone = remoteStore.get({
key: localCore.key,
valueEncoding: 'utf-8'

After an identical replicate step on the remoteClient, the two Hypercores will be connected:

// Start seeding the clone (this will connect to the first Hyperspace instance)

And finally the remote peer can read out the first two blocks:

console.log(chalk.green('First two blocks of the clone:', [
await clone.get(0),
await clone.get(1)

Run this step (full code):

node 2-replicate-hypercores.js

Next steps

You're ready to build applications using Hyperspace. The API pages can help you learn about the individual components, while the walkthroughs will help guide you through common tasks.